Fee-Only Financial Planning for
Tellico Village Residents

Maximize life and minimize taxes in retirement.

About Us

We are your guides through complexity to help your journey feel elegantly simple. We keep up with the latest research and trends in financial planning, and we apply them to your unique situation. We’ve removed conflict of interests to position ourselves as educators, not salesmen.

Our Philosophy

Real financial planning is the intersection of life and money. We want to help you maximize your after-tax spendable dollar, so you have more time and money for the things that matter most. That is how you maximize life.

Our Process

It begins with you making good life decisions for you and your family, then we plan how to make it happen tax efficiently. We’ve built a proactive system to stay on top of your planning needs by following an annual service calendar, so you’ll know what to expect from us and when.

As fee-only fiduciaries, we are your advocate seeking only what is in your best interest. We’re educators, not salesmen.